Can dogs eat mango

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Yes, dogs can eat mango but in moderation. Mango is a delicious tropical fruit that is popular for its taste. The flesh of a ripe mango is sweet and juicy, making it perfect for giving your pup on the go.

If you want your doggo to enjoy the taste of mangoes without any side effects then stick to small amounts of the fruit every day, just enough for an occasional treat. Every form of mango is good for dogs, whether raw, cooked, juiced, or mashed.

In this post, we are going to uncover all that you need to know about dogs eating mango, and how you should safely try it. Don’t miss out on our homemade mango treat that your dog will love.

Can Puppies Eat Mango?

Yes, puppies can also enjoy this delicious fruit like their adult dogs but you should minimize the amount.

Can Dogs Eat Dried Mango?

The best way to give your dog dried mango is to dehydrate them at home. You should avoid purchasing dried fruits from the store because they are usually preserved with other chemicals that may be toxic to your pooch.

You should however be very careful with dried mango because they contain condensed sugars. This can be dangerous to your dog if they ingest too much.

Is Mango Safe for Dogs?

Mango is safe for dogs as long as you give them moderately. You should not feed this fruit to a dog with diabetes, because of the high sugar content.

However, not all parts of the mango are safe for dogs to eat. The skin and seed are not good for dogs and might cause problems if ingested. Dogs should only eat the fleshy part.

Ripe Mangoes

Mangoes are packed with vitamins and minerals which contribute to the overall health of your pup.

There are many types of mangoes out there. You may want to consult with your vet for advice on which variety is best suited for your pup. We strongly recommend that you always go for organic mangoes.

6 Benefits of Mango for Dogs

Is mango good for dogs? The answer is yes. Here are some of the benefits your pup will get when eating this fruit:

1. The high dietary fiber content in mangos helps the digestive system function more efficiently. This can help relieve gas, bloating, and constipation issues in dogs with an upset stomach.

2. Mangoes contain beta-carotene, a precursor to Vitamin A, which is essential to maintaining healthy eyesight in dogs. It also keeps your pet’s coat healthy and gives them a better chance of avoiding some illnesses.

3. The vitamin B6 present in mangoes is important for nerve function and neurotransmitter metabolism throughout the dog’s brain & body.

It may also be responsible for improving moods & concentration levels in dogs as well as preventing some types of cancers like prostate cancer.

4. Mangoes are high in antioxidants that can help protect the body against free radicals, which cause cell degeneration.

Antioxidants can help prevent cancer and other diseases by neutralizing harmful molecules that attack DNA, proteins, and fats within the dog’s body.

5. The high vitamin C content in mangoes is beneficial to your dog in many aspects. First, it helps to boost the immune system, which is essential in protecting your pooch from some diseases. It also helps to smoothen your dog’s skin and makes their coat shiny.

6. Mangoes are also rich in potassium, folate, and iron in varying amounts. Potassium helps maintain normal blood pressure levels, as well as to maintain normal fluid balance in the dog’s body.

Folate is important for healthy red blood cells, bone growth, and tissue repair. It also plays an important role in the production of DNA.

Iron helps maintain the energy levels of your dog by helping deliver oxygen throughout their body. This is especially important during your dog’s daily walks and runs.

How To Prepare Mango for Your Dog

Ensure that you choose a fairly ripe mango for your dog. An unripe mango is bitter and a potential choking hazard.

You need to wash the fruit with clean running water to remove dirt, stains, and pesticides. You can use a scrubber to make the cleaning faster and more effective.

You will then peel the mango and remove the seed. Dogs should never eat mango skin because they are difficult to digest and might cause intestinal blockage in some dogs.

The mango seed presents a choking hazard to your dog. Aside from that, they also contain small amounts of cyanide which is toxic to dogs.

How To Feed Your Dog A Mango

Depending on how you want to feed your dog, the preparation style will vary. Here are some of the creative ways you can serve your dog this treat

can dogs eat mango

1. Raw pieces

This is the easiest way to give your dog this tasty treat. You will simply cut the mango flesh into small dices and give them to your dog.

2. Pureed

You can mash the mango to form a smooth puree for your fido. You can give it plainly or mix it with other dog foods to make it more interesting.

3. Dried

Dehydrate a mango in the oven or air fryer to give your dog an occasional dry treat. Dried mango is not suitable for puppies or dogs with sensitive teeth. It is however a good way to preserve mango for later use.

4. Smoothie

You can blend the mango with other fruits that are safe for dogs to make a special treat for your pup. Feel free to add other fruits that your dog loves but be cautious not to use any toxic substance like xylitol.

You can use this smoothie to top your dog’s dry food or just give it plainly. Do not use store-bought smoothie/juice because they may contain added sugar and preservatives.

How Much Mango Can I Feed My Dog?

Your dog should only eat mangoes as a treat and not the main diet. With this guide, dog treats should not make up any more than 10% of your dog’s daily diet. 90% of your dog’s diet should comprise well-balanced dog food.

For raw mango, you can cut the peeled fruit into small dices of 1 inch by ¼ inch or smaller.

Toy breeds should only take either 1 or 2 mango pieces per day. Small dogs can take between 1 to 3 pieces per day.

Medium-sized dogs should be given no more than 6 mango pieces per day. Large and extra-large dogs can comfortably ingest ¼ cup of mango per day.

Symptoms That Your Dog Ate Too Much Mangoes

Your furry friend could ingest too many mangoes and this might cause them to show some symptoms of illness which include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Feeling weak/ fatigued
  • Bellyache
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Licking lips or objects in the air.

Some of these symptoms will typically appear after a few hours of ingestion, while more severe signs can take 24 to 48 hrs. If you notice dangerous signs, then you should take your dog to the vet immediately.

DIY Mango Dog Treats That You Should Try

You can get a little creative and adventurous to make your own mango dog treats. Here are 2 recipes to get you started:

1. Baked Mango


  • 1 cup of diced mango
  • 1 cup of rolled oats
  • ¼ cup chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


  • Preheat your oven to about 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes.
  • Mix the diced mango, oats, chia seeds, and honey in a clean bowl.
  • Spread the mixture evenly on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes.
  • Let the treats cool before serving them to your pup.

2. Frozen Mango


  • 2 cups of pureed mango
  • 1 cup milk
  • ½ cup pureed banana
  • 1 tbsp. natural honey


  • Mix the pureed mango, milk, banana, and honey in a blender until smooth.
  • Transfer the mixture to an ice cube tray.
  • Freeze for about 7 hours.

You can also put the mixture into a Kong and freeze it for added fun.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. My dog ate mango peels, what should I do?

If your dog has accidentally ingested mango peels, you need to take them to the vet right away. The effects could be more severe if your dog has a sensitive stomach.

Your dog might seem to be okay within the first 24 hours of ingesting mango skin but you should not leave anything to chance.

Mango skin is hard to chew, difficult to digest, and is chock-full of dietary fiber. They may cause your dog to vomit, have diarrhea, become lethargic, or cause bowel blockage in severe cases.

2. My dog ate a mango pit, what should I do?

Mango pits can be a serious choking hazard to dogs, and they may block their gastrointestinal system. If you suspect that your dog swallowed a mango pit, then you should call the vet right away.

Your vet will prescribe a treatment that will prevent the absorption of any part of the seed into your dog’s bloodstream.

Some dogs can pass mango pit through their system without much difficulty but others might get severely affected.

The effects might be seen a few hours after ingestion and they include coughing, bellyache, loss of appetite, changes in eating habits, and lethargy.

3. Can some dogs be allergic to mango?

Mango allergies in dogs are rare but they can happen. If your pooch has been ill after eating mangoes, or they show unwanted behavior, you should talk with your vet about the potential allergies they might have.

Some of the allergic reactions include irritation, diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain.

As with any new food you introduce to your dog, make sure to do it slowly as you watch for any allergic reactions.

What Other Fruits Are Safe for Dogs?

If your dog is allergic to mango or they just seem not to like the fruit, don’t let them miss out on other dog-safe fruits:


Can dogs eat mango? Yes! Mango is a healthy fruit that’s delicious and nutritious. It also makes a great treat when you’re trying to keep them healthy, and it’s a tasty way to show your pooch some love.

Make sure that you’re not giving too much of it, or else your pup could end up with unwanted side effects.

Written By

Laura is the founder of Furs'n'Paws. She is a also a pet writer and expert with more than 20 years of experience of working with dogs and cats. She developed a very strong love for animals at a young age. Her passion led her to establish a thriving pet sitting and dog walking business in Dubai. As an expert in pet training, behavior, and nutrition, Laura is committed to helping pet owners and pet lovers by offering high-quality information on a wide range of topics.

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