Why does my dog stare at me constantly
Does your dog stare at you at a specific time every day? Does he turn his gaze upon you while […]
How to get a puppy to stop biting.
Growing your puppy should be seen as a serious task rather than a neglected one. One of the most common […]
10 Common Health Problems In Pomeranians
If you’re planning on getting a Pomeranian, here’s a great article to get a hold of to know the most […]
Why is My Dog Itching So Much
We’ve all seen it, our dog scratching their ears using their paws, and our first thought is, “Aww, that’s so […]
Why Does My Dog Lick Me So Much
Coming home after a long day at work and being greeted by our furbaby with kisses and licks, coming home […]
Why Does My Dog Growl When I Pet Her
Some dogs growl while we pet them, making us anxious and hesitant to do it again. In this article, we […]
30 Indoor Plants That Are Safe For Dogs
If you’re a pet owner with a green thumb, then you’re in for a treat as in this article we […]
Why Do Dogs Drag Their Bottom Along the Floor
Many pet parents can recall a scenario when they are sitting in their living room and suddenly, their furbaby starts […]
Why Do Dogs Dig in Their Beds
Everyone has a special bedtime ritual before going to dreamland, which is also done by our canine furbabies but why […]
Do Female Dogs Get Periods
If you are adopting a female dog, you may be thinking, “do female dogs get periods?”. Yes, they do, but […]