Which Cat Breeds Live the Longest?

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As an avid cat lover, you may be concerned about the longevity of various cat breeds to estimate how far you’ll share life moments with your favorite.

There are 73 standardized cat breeds recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA) and each one of those has nine lives, according to the famous myth.

The average lifespan of most cats falls within the range of 12-18 years, but it is normal to see some breeds exceeding the 20-year mark. But which cat breeds live the longest?

With the advancement of veterinary medical care and an increase in pet parenting standards, we’re most likely to see cats with extended longevities and mortality.

In this guide, we have outlined the 13 longest-living cat breeds by providing their expected lifespan and answered the question about gender and life expectancy.

The 13 Longest Living Cat Breeds?

1. Siamese Cat

Which Cat Breeds Live the Longest
Image Credit: Alex Meier from Unsplash

On average, Siamese cats have a lifespan of between 15 – 20 years, although some may exceed this range. A good example is Scotter the Siamese, who lived a happy life for 30 good years!

Siamese are highly valued for their beautiful features and impressive social nature. They are also popular for their ability to use many tonal variations to communicate their emotions.

2. Burmese Cat

Burmese Cat
Image Credit: miroslav_1 from iStock

Burmese cats are highly interactive and affectionate to those they love. They are known to build strong bonds with their owners and easily get along with other cats.

Most Burmese cats can live a healthy life for about 16 – 18 years, and we also have many who have exceeded this range.

3. Balinese Cat

Burmese Cat
Image Credit: Mikhail Vasilyev from Unsplash

Balinese cats share a lot of physical characteristics with Siamese, which makes many people think that they are related.

Balinese cats have longer fur than that of the Siamese although they are both prone to common health issues including eye problems.

On average, most Balinese cats can live for 18 – 22 years, provided they get proper care and regular veterinary checks.

4. Russian Blue Cat

The Russian Blue Cat are known for building strong affections to their human caregivers although they may not be as clingy as other cat breeds.

These regal cats, known for their laid-back disposition, have an average life expectancy of 15 – 20 years.

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Obesity and heart problems are some of the health conditions that can affect a Russian Blue’s lifespan.

5. American Shorthair Cat

American Shorthair Cat
Image Credit: Mary Swift from iStock

Although elderly American Shorthair Cats may be prone to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and hip dysplasia, most of them can live for about 15 – 20 remarkable years.

These widely known rodent and vermin hunters are relatively small compared to other breeds in our list, and they live quite an active lifestyle.

6. Bombay Cat

Bombay Cat
Image Credit: James Park from Unsplash

A well-nurtured Bombay cat can live for an average of 12 – 17 years, although they can be prone to brachycephalic airway syndrome and breathing difficulties due to having short snouts.

Being one of the most vocal cat breeds, Bombay can thrive in a family setup with small children who know how to handle cats.

Bombay cats require consistent mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy, so make sure to keep them entertained if you own one.

7. Persian Cat

Persian Cat
Image Credit: Sergey Semin from Unsplash

If you’re looking for an adorable lap cat, chances are you’ve been thinking about the Persian breed among a few others.

The bloodline of Persian Cats goes back to the 1600’s making them one of the oldest purebred cats available today.

Persian cats have an average lifespan of between 15 – 20 years, thanks to their relaxed dispositions which keep them away from possible dangers.

8. Egyptian Mau Cat

Egyptian Mau Cat
Image Credit: Thomas Leirikh from iStock

Egyptian Mau cats are extremely loyal to their human family. Many can bond strongly with all family members although some can select one or two favorite humans.

These playful felines have an average life expectancy of about 12 – 16 years.

Although they are a healthy breed, they are prone to hip dysplasia and troubled whelping process which can significantly shorten their years.

9. Ragdoll Cat

Ragdoll Cat on a White Chair
Image Credit: Tranmautritam from Pexels

Ragdoll cats are one of the most loving creatures in the feline world, with an average longevity of about 12 – 15 years.

Aside from the majestic looks, many people love these cats because they are intelligent, making them easy to train on basic commands.

Unfortunately, they are prone to certain conditions such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and feline infectious peritonitis which can shorten their lifespan.

10. Savannah Cat

Savannah Cat
Image Credit: J-Photos from Unsplash

In addition to their playful nature, Savannah cats are known for their inherent love for water and impressive intellect.

These active cats have a strong prey drive which makes them unfavorable for houses with smaller pets such as birds and hamsters.

Savannah cats have an average lifespan of 12 – 15 years, despite being prone to suffering respiratory illnesses and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

11. Oriental Shorthair Cat

Oriental Shorthair Cat
Image Credit: Leschenko from iStock

These super vocal and cheerful cats can live for about 12 – 15 years, but most of them can go beyond this remarkable milestone.

The Oriental Shorthair cats are known for forming emotional connections with their favorite member of the family, although they can also enjoy the company of other people and pets.

Some of the common health problems that can reduce their lifespan include dilated cardiomyopathy, bladder stones, and hereditary liver amyloidosis

12. Manx Cat

Manx Cat
Image Credit: cgbaldauf from iStock

Manx felines can form strong emotional connections with their favorite human caregivers, and they are also very good lap cats.

With their rounded faces and naturally tailless bodies, Manx Cats can live happily for about 8 – 14 years.

Unfortunately, their life expectancy can be shortened by some health issues including tailbone arthritis, and corneal dystrophy.

13. Singapura Cat

Singapura Cat
Image Credit: Viktor from iStock

Named after the Malay name for Singapore, the Singapura cat has an average lifespan of 11 – 15 years.

Many people affectionately call this cat by their nickname ‘Pura’ and others prefer the name ‘Pesky People Cat’.

Owning to their small body size, the Singapura cats are not the best choice for households with multiple large-sized pets.

Despite being generally healthy breed, these cats are prone to suffer hyperthyroidism, renal failure, and diabetes which can reduce their life expectancy.

RELATED: Cat breeds with the shortest lifespans

Do Male or Female Cats Live Longer?

A 2015 research published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery showed that female cats can live longer than male cats.

The findings showed that the average lifespan of female cats is 15 years, while that of their male counterparts is 13 years.

Aside from gender, it is important to appreciate other factors that may contribute to the average life expectancy of a cat.

Regardless of gender, neutering and spaying have been shown to increase the lifespan of both female and male cats.


So, there you have it guys, our revised list of the cat breeds that can stick around us for the longest possible time.

Whether it’s the chatty Siamese, the fluffy Persian, or the adventurous Savannah, it’s prudent to understand that each breed brings a unique touch to our homes.

As a concerned cat parent, you may wonder what’s the secret to a longer kitty life. Well, the answer is right in your hands.

Providing a cozy indoor abode, feeding a balanced diet, going for regular vet checkups, and supervising outdoor stays can all lead to a happy life.

Written By

Laura is the founder of Furs'n'Paws. She is a also a pet writer and expert with more than 20 years of experience of working with dogs and cats. She developed a very strong love for animals at a young age. Her passion led her to establish a thriving pet sitting and dog walking business in Dubai. As an expert in pet training, behavior, and nutrition, Laura is committed to helping pet owners and pet lovers by offering high-quality information on a wide range of topics.

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