Should I wake my puppy up to pee at night

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The first few months of adopting a puppy are usually the busiest for most pet parents. It is during this period that you are required to housetrain them.

But, should I wake my puppy up to pee at night? Sometimes Yes, Sometimes No, it depends on the puppy.

Young puppies (0 to 5 months) cannot hold their bladder overnight. They need to be woken up for their potty break. Without which they may have involuntary urination.

You generally don’t need to wake an older puppy up from sleep to pee. This is with the exception of when they are ill. Ensure that your puppy has taken their meal at least two hours before bedtime.

This article will give more insights on how to housetrain your puppy at night and give them a peaceful sleep.

Crate Your New Puppy at Night

Get a good dog crate and make it comfortable for your little dog. Put it close to your bed and let the pup enjoy their night times in the crate.

If you sleep in different rooms with your new puppy, you will not know when they need to pee.

Close the crate and switch off the lights in the room. This will allow the puppy to set in a sleeping mood. You can stay with them for a few minutes until they start sleeping.

A brown puppy in a crate

Dogs will naturally try to avoid soiling their sleeping area. You can therefore expect your little pup to raise an alarm when they need to potty.

Sleeping close to your new puppy will also enable them to adjust to their new home quickly. They can feel your presence through smell and this gives them a sense of security.

If you see that they are becoming restless at night, it is easier for you to pet and calm them down.

Be sure to set up a few pee pads in your puppy’s crate if they are ill. This will cater to any accident that may arise inside the crate due to involuntary urination.

You should however not encourage your little dog to pee inside the crate. Use pee pads only when it is exceedingly necessary.

Should I Wake My Puppy Up to Pee at Night?

Older Puppies are able to finish their sleep without needing a bathroom break. This is also dependent on their health condition.

You also need to make sure that your dog goes to sleep with an emptied bladder just before bedtime. Younger puppies will frequently need to use the bathroom during the night.

In most cases, puppies will alert you when they need to go out at night. You generally will not need to wake them up, they will wake you up instead.

Some puppies will act restless and show suggestive movements in the crate as they seek your attention. There’s no need to wake your puppy up if they’re in deep sleep just to check whether they need to potty.

Should I Wake My Puppy Up to Pee During the Day?

If your puppy is taking an afternoon nap, you shouldn’t worry about waking them up to pee. Puppies can easily get up during the day and act restless when in need of a potty break.

If your puppy’s house-training time is approaching, you can come closer and observe their body language. Take a close look at any sign of discomfort that may suggest a need to pee.

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Wake Your Puppy Up

If your little friend has now grown past 5 months, then they can hold their bladder until morning hours.

Waking your 5 months old puppy up for a potty break might not be a good idea. At this age, the bladder is huge enough to make it for a whole night, if they’re healthy.

Some puppies might however take longer than usual to hold pee overnight. Others will equally take less than 5 months to mature.

Puppy on the floor

Allowing your puppy to sleep throughout the night enables them to create a habit. This schedule is good for their health.

Waking your puppy up to check if they need a bathroom break will also disrupt their sleeping cycle. Some will find it difficult to resume their sleep after waking up. They may resort to playing at night.

When To Wake Your Puppy to Pee Up

There are some situations where you can wake your puppy up at night to use the bathroom.

1. Age

Pet parents with puppies less than 4 months should wake them up for their potty breaks. Puppies at this tender age don’t have the capacity to hold urine overnight.

New puppies will also be afraid of raising alarm when in need of relieving themselves. They are still in a new home and might be nervous to cause disturbances.

2. Health reasons

Dogs with leaky bladders might involuntarily pass urine during the night. Although this is common to senior dogs, it can also affect some puppies.

Some conditions may make your dog weak hence holding urine longer than needed. This might cause a buildup of bacteria which can result in infections. Learn how long your dog can hold pee to estimate when they need a break.

Your vet will advise you on how to help your dog take a potty break during the night. Gently wake them up and take them out to relieve themselves.

How To Help Avoid a Puppy Peeing at Night

The following will help your puppy avoid bathroom breaks at night:

  • Feed your puppy at least two hours before bedtime.
  • Prepare your puppy to sleep.
  • Take them out immediately before sleep time.
  • Consistent house training.

How Often Do Puppies Pee at Night?

The frequency of potty breaks your puppy takes at night will depend on their age and health. Luckily enough, dogs don’t need to pass urine frequently at night. The most you can wake up to housetrain your little pup is two times.

How long can a puppy hold it overnight? They will generally hold their pee for one hour plus their age in months. For example, a three-month-old pup can hold their pee for up to 4 hours i.e., 3 plus 1.

A 4-month-old puppy will hold their bladder down for 5 hours. If their sleeping time runs for 8 hours, then they will need 1 potty break at night.

If your puppy is not consistent in holding pee, then you need to speak to your vet. They might have developed urinary tract infections and it is best to detect the condition early.

Should I Carry My Puppy Out to Pee?

Carrying your puppy out to pee is a better idea than walking them. Carrying them in your arms will cause less disruption to their sleep compared to walking them on a leash.

Carrying a puppy

Walking them might wake them up fully and they may start gearing up for play.

Don’t cuddle your puppy too much when taking them to pee. They might be stimulated to think it’s playtime. Let them know that it’s time for some serious business.

Always observe the color of your dog’s urine. The color will tell how healthy your pup’s urinary tract is. The normal urine color for healthy puppies is in shades of yellow.

With time, your puppy should be able to potty on their own after consistent house training. You can expect a few instances of house soiling before they get it right.

What To Do If My Puppy Is Crying and Wants to Pee?

Sometimes puppies will cry or act troubled during the night. This is a sign that they are uncomfortable and in need of your attention.

You need to know what makes your dog cry out at night. It may arise from various reasons including the need to pee.

Just like babies, you shouldn’t let your puppy cry without comforting them. Show them that you care and keep building the connection at this moment when they need you.

Leaving puppies to cry without attention will ruin their confidence. This will not help in making them independent.

A sad puppy

The night cry might be a sign that your puppy wants to use the bathroom. Remove them from the crate and see if they want to take a potty break.

An adopted puppy may cry during their first night because they are fearful or nervous. During these weeks, your puppy is still getting familiar with the new home.

Some puppies will also bark and cry at night during their dream cycles. You can know if your puppy is dreaming by observing their body movements in the crate. Other signs of a dreaming dog are eye movements, growling, and purring.

Are you concerned about your puppy’s incessant barking? You can read our training guide to find out the tips you can use to tone down the barking.

If your puppy can’t stop crying at night, then you can cuddle them softly and give them your attention. They probably need to be closer to you at that moment.

What To Do When Your Puppy Makes an Accident

Potty accidents are prone to occur during the first stages of housetraining. You should not scold your little furry friend for messing in the crate or within the house.

Reactions to accidents should be positive even when the mess is huge. Punishing your puppy may make them fearful and disobedient.

React in a manner to make your little dog understand the mess they have done. You should then guide them the right way. Take out your puppy from where they had an accident and clean the area thoroughly.

If traces of urine remain, then your puppy will most likely recreate the mess to mark the area. You can use a pet odor eliminator for better cleaning.

Take the soiled bedding together with your puppy to the bathroom area and let them sniff their mess while there. This will help them recognize where they are required to pee and mark the area for the future.

If you catch your puppy in the process of creating an accident, you can stop them by making an audible alarming sound.

If your puppy is peeing very frequently, you might want to look out for medical or behavioral problems.

A puppy making an accident on the floor

You can read my comprehensive guide on the best way to potty train a puppy to find more tips and tricks.

Remember to reward your puppy every time they make progress in their training. You can pet them on the back and praise them as you cuddle.

Final Word

Should I wake my puppy up to pee at night? If your puppy is young then you need to take them out at night during housetraining.

However, older puppies don’t need to be woken up for their potty breaks. Unless you’ve received directions from your vet concerning their health.

Once you potty-train your puppy effectively, then they will have more consistent bathroom breaks. This will help them get a more peaceful rest that improves their physical and mental health.

Written By

Laura is the founder of Furs'n'Paws. She is a also a pet writer and expert with more than 20 years of experience of working with dogs and cats. She developed a very strong love for animals at a young age. Her passion led her to establish a thriving pet sitting and dog walking business in Dubai. As an expert in pet training, behavior, and nutrition, Laura is committed to helping pet owners and pet lovers by offering high-quality information on a wide range of topics.

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