How to make a cat tree
Cat trees are a perfect way to give your cat a place to play, relax, and sleep. You can get […]
how to choose a cat tree
A cat tree is an excellent accessory that expands your cat’s territory. It also provides a safe place for them […]
Do cats need a cat tree
Cats love jumping on higher surfaces and they do this on trees while outdoors. But do cats need a cat […]
How long can cats go without food and water
We know that cats can be finicky and sometimes they refuse to eat and drink. But how long can cats […]
7 warning signs when introducing cats
Introducing your resident cat to a new cat can be a challenging task. As a furparent, you need to know […]
Reasons not to declaw a cat
Most pet parents would often think of declawing their cats to fix the persistent scratching behavior of their feline siblings. […]
how to deal with an aggressive cat
Aggression is one of the most common and serious feline problems that give cat owners a hard time often when […]
why does my cat walk around meowing
Were you asking yourself why is my cat walking around meowing? If the answer is yes, then you might want […]
why does my cat stare at the wall
Have you ever seen your cat doing strange behavior in and out of the house? Many people have reported that […]
how to keep cats away from plants
Cats are very active and playful, especially kittens. They extend their games all over the house and sometimes they can […]