Can dogs eat apples

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Yes, dogs can eat apples, but in moderation. Apples are healthy snacks for your pooch because they are packed with many nutritional benefits.

In addition to being nutritious, they are also juicy and crunchy hence many dogs would love to take a bite to satisfy their cravings.

Apples are in many varieties; from honeycrisp, granny smith, fuji, gala, red delicious, and many more. All these apple varieties are good for dogs and they can easily be found in stores.

In this post, we will give you the information you need about dogs eating apples. Read on to find out why they should never eat the apple stem and seeds.

Are Apples Safe for Dogs?

Yes, apples are safe for dogs but there are a few things you need to consider when feeding them to your dog.

If your dog has digestive issues or is overweight, you should limit the number of apple slices you give them. Feeding a sick dog with apples can result in them having loose stool, diarrhea, and gas.


While apples are a great source of vitamins and minerals, they are very high in sugar (10g per 100g of fruit).

When taken in excess, it can lead to weight gain and obesity in dogs. This can give rise to a host of other dog health problems. So, you should only feed them apples occasionally.

Some parts of the apple fruit are not safe for dogs. This includes the core, seeds, and sometimes the skin.

Can Puppies Eat Apples?

Puppies can also enjoy the yummy apple bites but you should give them a much smaller quantity than you give your adult dogs. Just like all other foods, make sure to introduce apples slowly to your puppy.

Start by giving them a small slice and observe how they react to it between 24 to 48 hours. If they get diarrhea or stomach upset, then you should avoid giving your puppy apples as you check with your vet.

Can Dogs Eat Apple Pies?

You should avoid giving your dog an apple pie. It’s high in sugar and fat, which can be dangerous for dogs if they consume too much of it.

Apple pies are made from apples, wheat flour, sugar, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, butter, and other optional ingredients.

Some of these ingredients may seem to be okay on their own, but they are mixed with others that are toxic to dogs.

7 Benefits of Apples for Dogs

You have heard that ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ and luckily enough, this can also be applied to our furry friends.

So, are apples good for dogs? The answer is yes. Here are some of the benefits your dog will get when these fruits:

1. Apples are a great source of vitamins C and K. Vitamin C helps with the formation of collagen, which is a protein that helps to keep the skin, bones, and teeth healthy.

Vitamin C also improves your dog’s immunity and keeps their cognitive health at par. Vitamin K helps to produce proteins needed for blood clotting and bone building.

2. Apples are also a good source of water-soluble pectin fiber, especially in the peels (4.4g per 100g fruit). This helps to keep your dog’s digestive system healthy. Fiber-rich foods will also help diabetic dogs to maintain healthy sugar levels.

3. Apples are packed with antioxidants; catechin, quercetin, and chlorogenic acid. These phytochemicals will help protect the dog’s body from cell damage by free radicals hence preventing the development of chronic diseases.

4. They provide a good source of dietary potassium which is critical in maintaining the dog’s heart health and the functioning of muscles.  

5. Apples are low in fats and calories, and therefore will prevent your dog from gaining a lot of weight.

6. Apples can help to clean your pup’s teeth when they chew them. This will help to improve their dental and oral hygiene. It is however important that you stick to your dog’s dental hygiene routine for the best results.

7. Fresh apples have between 80-85% water content hence they are good in keeping your dog hydrated.

The Best Ways to Give Apples to Your Dog

There are many ways you can feed your dog apples. You can chop them up, puree them, or even make applesauce.

The first thing you would want to do is wash the apple with clean running water. You can use a scrubbing pad to remove dirt and pesticides on the surface of the fruit. Dry off with a paper towel or a clean rag after washing.

You will then core the apples to remove the stem and seeds.

The easiest way to give your dog apples is by chopping them up into cubes or slices and feeding them to your dog. If you have a puppy, you can mash the apples to make it simpler for them to eat.

Can dogs eat apples

You can also puree the fruits and feed them to your dog with a spoon. This is a great way to feed your teething puppies. Feel free to mix the puree with other safe fruits for dogs that your dog loves.

If you’re worried about your pup being able to digest apples, then you can juice the fruit using a crusher or press. Dogs can drink dilute apple juice.  Use the juice to sweeten their water or spice up their dry foods.

Packed apple juice is however not good for dogs because it contains high sugar levels and other chemical preservatives that can be harmful to them.

Despite the method you prefer, make sure not to feed them too much. Apples should only be given to dogs as treats, they should not form part of the main dog’s diet.

When to peel your dog’s apple

If your dog has an upset stomach, you should avoid giving them unpeeled apples. Peeling an apple can also be helpful if your dog is at risk of a choking hazard.

The apple skin can stick between your dog’s teeth and may cause discomfort or even teeth infections if not addressed in time.

Are Some Dogs Allergic to Apples?

It is very rare to find dogs who are allergic to apples. These fruits contain very low amounts of proteins (about 0.3 g per 100g of the apple) which are the primary nutrients that cause most food allergies in dogs.

The few dogs who are allergic to apples may develop anaphylaxis which can be lethal if not addressed in time.

DIY Apple Dog Treats

You can get creative and make apple treats for your dog at home. We have outlined 2 simple procedures that you can use to make these treats at home.

Cutting apples

1. Dried Apple Chips

What you will need

  • 2 medium-sized apples
  • An oven


  • Preheat your oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Core the apples using an apple corer
  • Use a knife to cut the apples into approximately 2-centimeter slices.
  • Bake the apple slices for about 2 hours or until they get crispy and crunchy.

Serve your dog a portion of these apple chips as a treat. You can store them for up to 1 week. You can use more apples if you have many dogs.

2. Frozen Applesauce

What you will need

  • 4 medium-sized apples
  • ¼ tablespoon of cinnamon
  • Food processor
  • Grater
  • Freezer


  • Core the apples.
  • Grate the apples to fine and consistent sizes.
  • Add Cinnamon to the applesauce and mix in the food processor.
  • Scoop out the applesauce and place it in an ice cube tray.
  • Freeze for about 2 hours.

Give your dog a taste of this treat after a long walk in the sun. You can substitute the cinnamon with vanilla flavor or any other safe spices that your dog loves.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can Dogs Eat Apple Skin?

Yes, dogs can take apple skins together with the fleshy part. Apple peels contain high amounts of fiber and it is good for their digestive health.

But be careful because too much fiber can also be a problem for some dogs, so make sure to monitor their intake. You can peel the apples to reduce their fiber intake if needed.

2. Can dogs eat an apple core?

Dogs should never eat the apple core. This hard stem contains harmful toxins which can be detrimental to your dog’s health. The apple core is also very uncomfortable to eat and can present a choking hazard to your dog.

When consumed it is almost indigestible and this can lead to intestinal blockage in your dog. Most apple cores would have approximately 5 seeds which are equally not good for dogs.

Symptoms of dog eating apple seeds

If your dog gets to eat apple seeds regularly, they may show some of the following symptoms:

  • Trouble breathing or swallowing
  • Vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Dilated pupils
  • Shock

These symptoms are a result of a compound known as amygdalin that releases cyanide when the seeds are chewed.

Cyanide abstracts the delivery of oxygen in the dog’s body. Find out the foods you can give a sick dog for quick recovery.

3. How much apple can a dog eat?

Your dog should eat between 1 to 3 slices of apples a day. Be careful not to overfeed your dog on these tasty fruits because they are high in sugar and can cause problems if taken in excess.

Sliced apples

If your dog has kidney problems or is overweight, you may want to avoid giving them apples.

What other fruits are safe for dogs to eat?

If your dog isn’t interested in eating apples, there are several fruits that you can consider giving them. Here are the other good fruits for dogs:

The Bottom Line

Can dogs eat apples? Yes! Apples are healthy snacks for most dogs and they are packed with fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants for dogs.

They can help improve your dog’s bowel health, support their immune system, and protect them from cancer.

However, too much apple can be a problem for dogs. It’s best to stick to a small amount of apple slices per day and vary the way you feed your dog with this tasty snack.

Written By

Laura is the founder of Furs'n'Paws. She is a also a pet writer and expert with more than 20 years of experience of working with dogs and cats. She developed a very strong love for animals at a young age. Her passion led her to establish a thriving pet sitting and dog walking business in Dubai. As an expert in pet training, behavior, and nutrition, Laura is committed to helping pet owners and pet lovers by offering high-quality information on a wide range of topics.

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One response

  1. Thanks for such an informational article. As a dog owner, I found this one helpful. Can you tell me what will happen if my dog eats apples in excess amount?

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