Can dogs eat grapes

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The straight answer is No! Dogs should never be given grapes to eat. This includes grape jam, jelly, juice, raisins -dried grapes, currants, and sultanas (which are in the grape family).

Grapes have been classified to be toxic to dogs and can cause sudden kidney failure even when ingested in small amounts.

In this post, we are going to show you why you should never give your dog even one grape and what you can do if your dog ate some accidentally.

Are Grapes Bad for Dogs?

Grapes contain compounds that are toxic to dogs even in small amounts hence making them a bad fruit for dogs.

Our furry friends don’t have a natural defense mechanism against these compounds and therefore the effects can be fatal.

Grape toxicity in dogs has been linked with severe kidney failure, and this is something you may not want to risk.

Are Grapes Safe for Dogs?

Grapes are not safe for dogs. The whole part of the grape (Skin, flesh, seeds) should never be given to dogs.

Aside from the toxicity, these fruits present a choking hazard to dogs and this can also be a problem for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Green Grapes?

All grapes are potentially poisonous to dogs including the green ones, but the danger is greater with red and black grapes.

You should not risk any form of grapes to your dog, they are all potentially harmful in any amounts.

Why Dogs Can’t Eat Grapes?

The real cause of grape toxicity in dogs is yet to be established. The active compounds in grapes are nearly indigestible for dogs and this can be a possible explanation for the poisoning.

Some of these compounds, like tannins, have however been shown to bind iron in your dog’s body and prevent it from being absorbed properly.

Can dogs eat grapes

The result is that your dog’s kidney won’t get enough iron to function properly. This can be life-threatening in extreme cases and this is why dogs shouldn’t eat grapes in any kind, form, or shape.

What To Do If My Dog Ate a Grape

You should seek treatment immediately after you realize your dog has ingested a grape by taking your dog to the vet.

By doing so, you might prevent your dog from getting severe effects of grape poisoning which can be fatal.

Do not wait for any unwanted symptoms for you to take action. Your dog might seem unaffected at first but it is good to take action before it is too late.

Symptoms Of Grape Poisoning in Dogs

How long does it take for a dog to react to a grape? This can take between 5 hours to 72 hours of ingesting the fruit.

Severe symptoms are normally seen after 24 hours; possibly when the toxins are already in your dog’s bloodstream.

Depending on how many grapes the dog ingested, they could experience any of the following side effects:

1. Vomiting. This is normally the first sign that your dog has ingested something toxic, and the body is trying to flush it out. Your dog could start vomiting 24 hours after ingesting grapes.

2. Diarrhea. Your dog’s gastrointestinal system will be affected by the toxins in grapes and they may have diarrhea within 5 to 12 hours of ingesting grapes or raisins.

3. Lethargy – your dog may become tired, sleepy, and may generally feel weak. This is because his liver is working too hard to process all the toxins in the body.

4. Abdominal pain

5. Decreased food intake due to pseudo or real anorexia.

6. Getting too thirsty / increased production of urine or anuria – A condition where the dog no longer pees.

7. Dehydration. A dehydrated dog will often have a nearly dry nose, dry gums, and thick saliva. You can also know that your dog is dehydrated if they pant.

8. Liver damage. Your dog’s liver may be affected by the toxins in grapes, which could cause liver damage.

9. Kidney damage. Some of the signs of kidney failure in dogs include; lack of appetite, ammonia odor in the breath, increased thirst, increased urination, diarrhea, stumbling, and blood in the urine.

10. Fatality. It’s always possible that grape toxicosis could be fatal to your dog and lead to death.

If you see your dog with any of the above symptoms and you think they ate some grapes, you need to visit the vet immediately for diagnosis and treatment.

Can a Single Grape Kill a Dog?

There is no established toxic dose of grapes for dogs. Every dog has different sensitivities to toxins. Factors like weight, age, and overall health can affect how your dog reacts to grapes.

One grape may seem harmless but unfortunately, it can be very dangerous to your dog. Grape toxicosis in dogs can rise even with a single fruit and yes, it may turn out to be very fatal.

Dog Ate Grapes Home Remedy

If you think your dog has eaten grapes and you immediately want to help them out, you can induce vomiting at home.

To do this, mix one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (3%) with one teaspoon of food-grade baking soda for every 5 pounds of your dog’s weight.

You can use a feeding syringe to administer this dosage to your dog. Once your dog has thrown up, they will have expelled the toxins from their system.

You may want to sample your dog’s vomit and take it to your vet for examination.

Be careful about the amount of hydrogen peroxide you give your dog. Dogs should never ingest more than 3 teaspoons or more of hydrogen peroxide despite their weight.

You can also give your dog a dose of activated charcoal to lessen the effects of grape toxicity. Dissolve one tablespoon of activated charcoal in ½ cup warm water. Stir for about 1 minute and administer it to your dog using a feeding syringe.

Activated charcoal has the power to adsorb the toxins, preventing them from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

You can give your dog another dose of activated charcoal after 4 hours if you think they ate too many grapes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. My dog ate grapes and they seem fine. What should I do?

If you’re sure that your dog ate some grapes you should immediately take them to the vet.

Your vet will check for the clinical signs of grape poisoning through blood and urine tests and provide the appropriate treatment procedure. This will help to reduce the risk of kidney failure in your dog.

Dog at the vet

You can also induce vomiting to flush the toxins from the dog’s body. You should not assume that if your dog seems fine then they cannot have severe effects later on.

Your dog might seem fine during the first 48 hours of them eating grapes, but all dogs are different. Their sensitivity to grape toxins might manifest in 72 hours or more and maybe that would be too late for them.

So, it is best to err on the side of caution and treat your dog every time they ingest these fruits.

2. How long does grape toxicity last in dogs?

Every dog reacts differently to gastrointestinal sensitivity. But generally, grape toxicity can last anywhere between 12 and 72 hours in dogs.

During this time, your dog might be showing one or more of the symptoms we highlighted above.

More severe signs are normally seen after some time, and they may affect your dog for long if not addressed in time.

This toxicity period can however be shortened if you administer the right treatment to arrest the toxins.

3. How to prevent grape poisoning in dogs

The best way to prevent your dog from eating grapes is to keep all forms of this fruit out of your dog’s reach.

Don’t leave your grapes, raisins, jam, or grape juice on the table, or in open kitchen cabinets. Your dog can easily access such places and might be enticed to eat.

Make sure your entire family is well aware of the dangers of grapes to dogs.

It would save you a lot if you train your dog to only eat from their food accessories, or when you feed them by hand. This way, you can be sure that they won’t go around sniffing and eating everything they find along the way.

Do not give your dog any foods that may potentially have grapes or raisins. Foods such as cakes and cookies might have been baked with raisins and may risk poisoning if dogs ate.

Give your dog a healthy and balanced diet. Feeding your dog good foods with nutritional benefits will attend to all their nutritional needs. This will keep them healthy and reduce their need to eat everything they find.

Find safe alternatives. If you want to give your dog some fresh treats, be sure to choose from the safe fruits category. It is best to avoid giving your dog cakes because some of them might contain raisins.

If you are growing grapes in your yard, then you may want to fence the grape trees to limit your dogs’ access to this area.

Grapes on the tree

What Other Fruits are Bad for Dogs

The following are some of the other fruits that are toxic to dogs:

Always check the labeling of your dog’s food to ensure they do not contain any food/substances that may be toxic to them.

What Fruits Are Safe for Dogs

Here are some of the healthy treat options that are safe for your dog to eat:

Although these fruits are safe for dogs, we encourage you to introduce them slowly to your dog. Start with a small fruit portion and watch out for any allergic reactions.

In conclusion

Can dogs eat grapes? No, they shouldn’t eat. Every form of grapes can be toxic to dogs in any amount. Whether organic, peeled, seedless, dried, juiced, red, black, or green, do not give grapes to your furry friend.

If your dog has eaten any form of this fruit, it’s important to seek veterinary help right away. You may think that they seem to be just fine, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Written By

Laura is the founder of Furs'n'Paws. She is a also a pet writer and expert with more than 20 years of experience of working with dogs and cats. She developed a very strong love for animals at a young age. Her passion led her to establish a thriving pet sitting and dog walking business in Dubai. As an expert in pet training, behavior, and nutrition, Laura is committed to helping pet owners and pet lovers by offering high-quality information on a wide range of topics.

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